Blogsy Newsletter: The Interrobang, Time & Shoshin (Oct 2021) | THEARTOFSELFCRAFTSMANSHIP.ORG

Hello, Hello! It’s marvelous to be with you here today! In this edition of my quarterly blogsy newsletter, I’ll be sharing some fun info and helpful concepts with you: the Interrobang, shoshin, and time.

Have You Heard of the Interrobang?

I learned about this from my dear friend, Penny Specter, who passed on not that long ago at the tender young age of One Hundred Years Old. (As an aside, did you know that there is a One Hundred Year Association of New York? There is!)

Penny was super smart and had a marvelous sense of humor and a heart of gold. Several times, Penny said to me that she attributed her longevity to her interests in life and her curiosity.

The Interrobang is a punctuation mark. Envision a question mark with an exclamation mark over-layed right in the center of the question mark. (Or, is it that the question mark is overlaying the exclamation point…….?!)

Blogsy Newsletter: The Interrobang, Time & Shoshin (Oct 2021) | THEARTOFSELFCRAFTSMANSHIP.ORG

It reminds me about many of our life experiences and our reactions, preferably our responses, as we move forward on our individual journeys, intertwined with others, though definitely our own paths, such as ‘REALLY?!’, ‘ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!’ ‘WHAT?!’.

Penny’s husband, Martin Specter, was the originator of the Interrobang. I never knew Martin as he had passed on before I met Penny.

She was a real champion for the Interrobang and often wore a gold representation of it on the sleeve of her blazer. It’s a pleasure to keep the conversation on this going–Penny would love that!

The Culture of the Interrobang

Is the combination question mark and exclamation point a sign of the times? On Monday I discovered the Interrobang, and I have…Anne Trubek

Here’s a fascinating article: The Culture of the Interrobang

I don’t have the keyboard sequence for this, though the Interrobang has been entertained by some in the past for its inclusion. It’s a shame that it has not been catapulted to the forefront to date, as I can think of numerous times that I would want to use it. Can you?!

So, back to the topic of time…

It seems to be an illusion ‘at times’. People often say “I don’t have the time, I don’t have enough time.”

Time is time. What allows any of us the time we want in order to achieve what we want is the management of our priorities and our calendar.

It’s a curious concept and, without delving too deep, I offer you an article to pique your interest in how you handle your calendar, because remember, time is time.

What We Get Wrong About Time

Ever wonder what we get wrong about time? Well, here you go—What We Get Wrong About Time

Shoshin or the “Beginner’s Mind”

“‘Shoshin’ is a word from Zen Buddhism meaning ‘beginner’s mind.’ It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a beginner would.” Wikipedia

Having shoshin, a fresh mind or a beginner’s mind, in starting a day is a wonderful invitation for more creativity and opportunities to flow into our lives.

Meditation and mindfulness practices—connecting with our breath—are liberating because it reminds us that we are all part of something larger, something more, than our inhabiting our bodies here in this life cycle.

RELATED | Perception & Perspective

We are all connected with infinite intelligence, and being open-minded to new information that comes our way each day is an opportunity realized only if we are open to receiving new information and concepts.

It’s intriguing how some projects get stale after a while because the finale has been predetermined and any new ideas are not recognized or are cast aside.

As everything has a frequency associated with it, it’s important to note what you’re thinking, what you’re doing and how that is translated into what energetic vibration you are broadcasting.

This universe is filled with possibilities and your angle of perception, which is determined by your thoughts, will direct you to what possibilities and opportunities reveal themselves to you and your outcome for that project.

How to Foster Shoshin

It’s easy for the mind to become closed to new ideas. Cultivating a beginner’s mind helps us rediscover the joy of learning | Christian Jarrett

Here is some wonderful guidance on “How to Cultivate Shoshin or a Beginner’s Mind.”

It’s all well and good to discuss time, shoshin (beginner’s mind), and the calendaring of our priorities, though in an environment that is oftentimes overstimulating, how to find that inner peace?

We all find our own way. Through my studies and my own experiences, I find that when we are living our purpose and allowing that to guide our decisions, we are empowered to move forward in the direction of our dreams.

Our dreams help us to define our purpose. I believe that we all want to live a life that is in good service of ourselves and others, and that we want to have a positive impact. Dreams are what connects us with our true nature and keep us on course—just like a rudder on a ship.

Too many of us were chastised for dreaming when we were growing up and told that dreams are frivolous, and they never come true.

I disagree, however, there’s an art to dream building as well as the science of it. And, it’s not to say that there is never anything that arises that is unsettling, though if you’re living the life of your dreams, then living with inner peace comes hand in hand. It steadies you.

RELATED | The Strength of Intention

Inner Peace

I was reading this morning about ‘The Great Resignation’, also referred to as ‘The Big Quit’ by Inc. Magazine.

The gist of it is that younger workers are heralding mental health as important as physical health, and I find that this is in tune with what has been the recent topic here. Living with your purpose—not someone else’s purpose—is what sets your sail, steadies your rudder, and supplies the wind, too.

There are lots of lists as to what to do to find inner peace.

I believe that simplicity is regal here. Recognize that you are as much a part of nature as a flower bursting into bloom; learn as much as you can about the natural laws of this universe that we are a part of and participate and take responsibility for your cooperation as we are each an essential piece of the puzzle.

We are each worthy by the mere fact that we are here, and it is up to each one of us to nurture our self-worth and come to know it. If we each learn to live from the inside out instead of the outside in, I believe that life satisfaction and inner peace can and will be experienced.

How to Find Inner Peace | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

The Sunshine Quotient®

I’d like to introduce you, too, to The Sunshine Quotient® Study, which is a guide for establishing or enhancing a mindfulness practice, and includes The Sunshine Quotient® breathing technique. It is also a qualitative study which allows you to participate and contribute.

You’ll also find additional information and research available to you through the Sunshine Modules. These are designed to spark your interest in areas of your choice of exploration.




Let’s Connect More!

Many thanks for taking the time to read this latest edition of my quarterly blogsy newsletter. In the event that you found this info on the Interrobang, shoshin, time and inner peace stimulating, I encourage you to visit my blog to find more reading material.

I invite you to follow me, Catherine Chadwick Consulting, LLC on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram, icons below, for more insights and upcoming webinars and events.

I love being a transformational coach! Focusing on wellness strategies and empowering people to create a life by design is a win-win approach. I hold the opportunity to be of service to a client and their dream building with the intention of teaching tools that can be used by that client for their whole life.

Throwing off the dock lines and the spring lines to boldly set sail is what we all want. It’s what The Art of Selfcraftsmanship® is all about!

Catherine Chadwick

Catherine Chadwick is a Life Mastery Consultant certified at the highest level by The Brave Thinking Institute® and is a Fellow member of the Institute of Coaching affiliated with McLean Hospital/Harvard University. She is the founder of You’ve Got Nurse®, The Sunshine Quotient® and The Art of Self Craftsmanship™.