As the classic Vedic text, the Upanishads declares, “You are what your deepest desire is. As your desire is, so is your intention. As your intention is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.”

Intentions are serious things—they’re thoughts and they’re words, they’re feelings and they’re actions. And, guess what? They’re results. However, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun with them!

What you focus on is what you get.

The more serious you are about focusing on what you think about, what you would love, let’s say the more intentional you are about your intentions.

Lasering in on what it is you want, what you want to accomplish is a natural way of being.

I believe that your dreams come through you along with your natural gifts. Do they evolve and sometimes require cultivation? Yes. Too many times there are too many distractions that must be let go of to maintain the proper focus on the intentions.

As Jim Kwik mentions, the digital age can also cause “digital dementia.”

All too often for some, the constant barrage of digital and electronic stimuli becomes a shield, a barrier, to one’s connection to themselves, their own divinity, and their dreams. There is no way that they can show up as their best self in any situation while in this condition.

With intention, by making a decision, that can change—without making that decision, having that intention, nothing will change and the disconnect disengages them from the natural upward pull of expansion, the deliciousness of this life that can be had.

So, what is an intention?

Here’s the definition according to


an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.
the end or object intended; purpose.”

Taking the time to write down your dreams, your vision, is the most important work that you can do. Having a clear picture of the life that you want to live guides your intentions. Life offers us infinite possibilities and we each have opportunities to make choices for how we live our lives.

If we do not consciously make choices, we choose unconsciously.

That is influenced by our programming and, most of that we did not choose as our subconscious mind was filled with information and experiences from our young ages and when we were not living independently.

This is interesting as so much of our programming when growing up was influenced by our parents or guardians who have or had been living with their own programming by the adults in their lives and back through the generations it goes.

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It seems that much of that programming and information handed down through the generations have been outdated for some time, like an old operating system on a computer, yet many do not adapt to the present day.

What we focus on is what we get.

As an illustration, it’s very much like planning a vacation. Think about how much time is spent in determining a time frame, researching destinations, accommodations, travel options, entertainment, restaurants, activities and excursions and costs.

All of these are conscious decisions. We have the delicious option of being able to describe to the Universe how we want our life to be. However, the Universe only gives something energy if you do. It reads your intention by where you place your attention. It’s energetic.

I recall a friend of our family living on a neighboring farm when I was a young girl. Becky often said when relating a story, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” And, then she would most times laugh and shake her head.

I never understood it at that age, though it’s very clear to me now that one has to follow through on the intentions, take action—much like actually booking and paying for that vacation.

Take the steps that you can take with what you have from where you are.

Are there people and experiences involved in our journeys through life that we would just as soon not have had them as a part of it? Of course.

We don’t always have a choice about everything that happens to us, though we do have a choice as to how we handle it. There are always situations that cause us to grow.

Recognizing that growth and using our observer self to incorporate the growth benefits and notice that we are becoming the person shaped by our intentions helps us to continue to raise our frequency, becoming more and more coherent with the vibration of our vision.

I invite you to view the video below on the power of intention:

Finding the humor & fun in life is another important element of well-being.

Not every circumstance is fun or humorous, though there are aspects of each day where levity can be found somewhere.

Laughter is a release and increases our frequency that leads us to an elevated emotion, which, in turn, affects our physiology in a good way. Keep your eye out for a future blog on epigenetics and how behavior and environment affect how DNA, proteins and gene regulation are influenced.

I encourage you to intend to find humor as you go about your day. Click here to read what Psychology Today offers on humor.

As you move forward with your intentions and your actions, learn to fully support your intentions with heightened desire of what you want—and learn to expect the best.

There’s a tendency at times to allow old patterns and what has sometimes been referred to as the ‘negative default’ to come into play—that thought or action that is actually a paradigm, old programming that does not serve you well—and which serves as that ‘wet blanket’, that ‘killjoy.’

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Dreams are essential for healthy living.

Lean into your purpose, your vision. As Dr. Joe Dispenza says, “Romance your future.”

Remember, the brain does not differentiate between a ‘real’ experience and an imagined experience. Intentions propel us to stay on track with our vision, how we see the life that we want and can create.

Intentions require focus and focus requires intentions. Make the decision to live your intentions. Allow them to guide your daily choices and activities. You can choose to have dominion over your thoughts, your intentions.

The conscious choices that we make are critical to creating a life that we want and instead of living by default.

Catherine Chadwick

Catherine Chadwick is a Life Mastery Consultant certified at the highest level by The Brave Thinking Institute® and is a Fellow member of the Institute of Coaching affiliated with McLean Hospital/Harvard University. She is the founder of You’ve Got Nurse®, The Sunshine Quotient® and The Art of Self Craftsmanship™.