We must practice being quiet enough to allow ourselves to be heard.

Per Dr. Joe Dispenza, “We think somewhere between 60,000 and 70,000 thoughts in one day, and 90% of those thoughts are exactly the same ones that we had the day before.” When I read that I thought of the Alfred Hitchcock movie, The Birds, a 1963 horror/thriller film portraying people being suddenly and violently attacked by birds – swarms of birds.

Just like a vicious bird attack would stop any of us in our tracks and impede our forward progress, all those repetitive thoughts disallow us from being able to be in the flow of life, enjoying our life adventure, and that wonderful feeling that yes, everything is going our way. Thoughts that keep haranguing us keep doing so because they know that they are going to be continually on stage – the entertainers and the entertained, ie., we keep standing there and allowing the birds to keep pecking at us. It takes discipline to make the decisions of what thoughts we choose to keep in our registry and which ones we choose to ignore – to protect ourselves and take refuge from. Over time, those ignored or discarded thoughts lose their charge, their power over us. That space will naturally be filled in with other thoughts and it’s here that we can choose to fill that capacity with thoughts that we want, and to attract more positive and creative ideas that can be absolutely delightful as well as meaningful and useful. We have a choice as to what we think about.

Each moment is filled with energy and information, the interpretation of which is influenced by our own levels of vibration and awareness in any given moment. When we’re distracted and not present or engaged in the current moment, we are missing information that is available to us. It takes getting quiet in our minds, disassociated from technology and daily demands, to hear ourselves think. Releasing ourselves from the repetitive past allows us to discover what we want, what our purpose is, where we want to go.

See below The Spotlight is You (Week 6 Edition) for a bit of information and demonstration of The Sunshine Quotient® Mindfulness Breathing Technique during my recent conversation with esteemed Coach Machen MacDonald, Thought Leader & Inspirational Lecturer and #1 Bestselling Author on his program Productivity PIT Stop:

Catherine Chadwick

Catherine Chadwick is a Life Mastery Consultant certified at the highest level by The Brave Thinking Institute® and is a Fellow member of the Institute of Coaching affiliated with McLean Hospital/Harvard University. She is the founder of You’ve Got Nurse®, The Sunshine Quotient® and The Art of Self Craftsmanship™.